Dr. James Ramsey
Responsible for sacramental functions (Baptisms, Wake Services, Communion Services, etc) as specified by the Pastor and supervises Home Communion.
Fr. Bryan J. B. Pedersen
Father Pedersen has been the pastor of Sacred Heart since 2008.
Karen Bursey
Responsible for all aspects of school management.
Mary Daugherty
Responsible for the administration of the civil and business affairs of the entire parish. Oversees all parish human resources and directly supervises office and custodial staff.
Morgan Leisgang
Manages Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program with other Catechists. Coordinates Sacramental preparation for Penance and Eucharist for Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School in collaboration with school personnel. Coordinates 8th Grade Confirmation Program for Sacred Heart School Students. Collaborates with Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry to enhance evangelization, catechesis, and discipling of Youth and Young Adults.
Bunny Brouillard
Responsible for Adult Faith Formation offerings including Adult Bible Study, small group studies utilizing FORMED and other resources. Responsible for RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), and RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) for Adults and Children seeking membership in the Catholic faith. Safe Environment Coordinator for Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Audrey Gilbert
Part-Time bookkeeping assistance with accounts payable for parish and school. Parish Administrative Assistant at Reception Desk Wednesday-Friday. Director of Parish Bulletin.
Monica Thibault
Part-time Adminstrative Assistant at Reception Desk Monday and Tuesday.
Pete Krych
Part-time Maintenance Support – Parish & School Projects.