Gertens Plant Sale is now open!!

The best fundraiser of spring is here – Gertens Spring Plant Sale!  If you have not ordered in the past, it is worth a look – these are the best plants!

What:  Gertens School Fundraiser (planters, hanging baskets, annuals and perennials and NEW this year: Combo Starter Trios – 3 plants Gertens put together that can be planted in one pot for $20)

When:  NOW thru March 31st at 10pm

How:  Online Orders Only (click on button below and enter store code ID: 145 for Sacred Heart – if you know a student at Sacred Heart who is selling plants, you can also enter their name).

**Plants available for pick-up on May 8 2-5:30pm** 

Please Note:  Quantities are limited on fundraiser items. If an item sells out, it will be marked sold out on the website and customers will not be able to continue to order that item. Order early to avoid limited item availability!

**Plants available for pick-up on May 8 2-5:30pm** 

Gertens Plant Sale